VW Touran manuals

Volkswagen Touran Service Manual: Battery, Charging with Battery Charger -VAS5095A-

Special tools and workshop equipment required
Battery Charger -VAS5095A-
Risk of injury. Follow all Warnings and Safety Precautions. Refer to → Chapter "Warnings and Safety Precautions".
While charging, always set the battery type to 2.4 V/C (Volts/Battery Cell)! This applies to all batteries.
The battery temperature must be at least 10 C (50 F).
Batteries that have a light yellow visual indicator do not have to be tested or charged. Jump starting must not be used!
There is a risk of explosion during testing, charging or jump starting.
These batteries must be replaced.
  Turn off the ignition and all electrical consumers.
  Check the battery type setting on the battery type selector. Refer to → Chapter "Battery Charger -VAS5095A- Device Description". It must be set to 2.4V/C (Volts/Cell).
  Clamp the red charging clamp "+" of the charger to the positive battery terminal.
In the case of vehicles with a start/stop function and an installed Battery Monitoring Control Module -J367-, the black charging clamp "-" must be connected to the body ground. The start/stop system will malfunction if it is connected to the negative terminal on the battery.
  Connect the black charging clamp "-" of the charger to the negative battery terminal.
  Switch on the battery charger. Refer to → Chapter "Battery Charger -VAS5095A- Device Description".
Charge current displays. Refer to → Fig. ""Battery Charger -VAS5095A- ""-2- and -3- light up yellow. When only the yellow LED -3- is lit, the battery is partially charged (approximately 90%).
If the green LED. Refer to → Fig. ""Battery Charger -VAS5095A- ""-4- is also lit, the charger has switched to the charge sustain function. The battery is charged.
  Switch off the charger. Refer to → Chapter "Battery Charger -VAS5095A- Device Description".
  Remove the charger clamps from the battery terminals.
Battery Charger -VAS5095A- Device Description
  WARNING Risk of injury. Follow all Warnings and Safety Precautions. Refer to → Chapter "Warnings and Sa ...

Severely Discharged Battery, Charging with Battery Charger -VAS5095A-
  WARNING Risk of injury. Follow all Warnings and Safety Precautions. Refer to → Chapter "Warnings and Sa ...

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