Volkswagen Touran Owners Manual. What happens to passengers who have not fastened their seat belts?
Fig. 54 A driver not wearing
a seat belt is thrown forward
Fig. 55 The unbelted rear
passenger is thrown forward violently, hitting the driver wearing a seat belt
First read and observe the introductory information
and safety warnings Many people believe that the occupants
can bra ...
Volkswagen Touran Service Manual. Two-Part VHS Hardener and Two-Part VHS Performance Hardener
Two-Part VHS Hardener -LHA 009 051 A2-/-LVM 009 051 A5-
Two-Part VHS Hardener, Short -LHA 009 050 A2-
Two-Part VHS Hardener, Long -LHA 009 052 A2-/-LHA 009 052