VW Touran manuals

Volkswagen Touran Owners Manual: While driving

Fig. 126 In the stowage compartment on front passenger side: toll card reader First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings Using the toll card system Switch on ...

Starting the engine, changing gear and parking the vehicle

Other materials:

Volkswagen Touran Owners Manual. Introduction
This chapter contains information on the following subjects:  → Stowage compartment on the driver side    → Stowage areas in the roof console    → Stowage compartment in the dash panel    → Stowage compartment in the front centre ar ...

Volkswagen Touran Owners Manual. New wheels and tyres
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings New tyres Drive particularly carefully for the first 600 km with new tyres as the tyres have to be run in. Tyres that have not been run in have reduced grip   and braking effect  . All four wheels must ...

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